Your Version Control System (VCS) is the single most foundational tool for your entire software application and has a major impact on your DevOps tool selection.
1. Clean the environment. All private builds must start from a clean environment and should not use any external assets from previous builds or any other source.
DevOps is not a product you can pick up from the store. It is the culmination of a process, tooling and corporate culture. No matter your background, there is no way you haven’t heard of DevOps. Most visibly would be Microsoft’s recent renaming of "Visual Studio Team Services", formerly "Visual Studio Online", to "Azure DevOps".
Even more than personalization, integrations lie at the core of every website. Creating meaningful integration is where the distinction between creating business value and busywork lies.
In this post we will now show you how to dramatically increase your productivity when configuring personalization by utilizing the Sitecore Experience Editor.
We had what I thought was an interesting issue recently while working with my team at Layer One Media on a client project. I thought it was a great story and a solution worth sharing.
Why is personalization so important? Simple, you want to provide the best possible experience to your prospect or customer. This is absolutely critical.
My first trip to SUGCON EU was full of honors and humbling. First, simply to be selected and make the list of only around 60 or so speakers out of a large pool of talented speakers and sessions. Second, simply to see all the other sessions and the innovation that is taking place across the Sitecore ecosystem at such an amazing rate.
It was very exciting to see how far Stephen Pope has come already to now release v2.0 of the Sitecore Publish Service built on .NET Core. It is now to the point that the recommendation from Sitecore is to add it to ANY Sitecore instance! I've downloaded it already and can't wait to dive in!
Version 1 of the Advanced Site Provider for Sitecore is now released on Github. It enables the usage of separate sites, initially limited to sub-domains, with no configuration nor any special content items!